
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

eDoctrina Scanning From The Copier

Note:  This one is for the teachers.  "eDoctrina" is our 21st century version of "scantron" or "bubble" answer sheets.

When using eDoctrina, you can scan in the answer sheets on our photocopiers.  The process is only four quick button presses.  A quick walk-through follows.

  • Login to the copier, if necessary.
Before Logging In
After Logging In

  • Press the "Quick Menu" button on the side.
"Quick Menu" is a physical button

  • The Quick Menu screen has two modes:  "Personal" and "Shared".  Press the "Shared" button.
Many have been thrown off by the lack of large buttons here.
Just press "Shared" and they'll appear.

  • Press the "eDoctrina" button.
You're almost there...

  • Now load the sheet-feeder on the top of the copier and press the "Yes" button on the screen to start the process.
The forth and final button press.

That is it.  Once the papers are scanned, you can logout of the copier, make regular copies, pick up printouts, or do anything else that you might need to do.

The answers should show up in your eDoctrina account soon.  The length of the wait can vary based on many factors, but if the scores haven't arrived by the next morning, please contact the school technical support at the usual email address so they can check it out.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Keeping Google Docs

If you are graduating or moving soon, you may be interested in knowing that you can download all of your files in Google Docs.  Putting them on a flash drive or emailing them to yourself allows you to keep them after you leave the Cairo-Durham schools.

The directions haven't changed from last year, so you can follow those directions.