So you've received the latest message about a new form or CPR, rising gas prices, or radioactive cat litter.
Before warning lots of people about it, how do you ask, "Is it true?" You can actually use Google or Snopes faster than the "Forward" button... and save yourself some embarrassment at the same time.
To use Snopes, go to and use the Search line at the top of the page. Type in a simple phrase, like "gas prices" or "cat litter" for a list of claims about those topics. Snopes will tell you if its true or not.
To use Google, just copy a relatively unusual line from the message and paste it into Google. Phrases with numbers or brand names work well.
Personally, I recommend Snopes over Google in this case. Either one will probably work, but with Google you will have to read through several unrelated items and may even run into more copies of the claim without any real verification. Snopes, on the other hand, does the research and clearly states if its true, false, or some mix of the two.
Which ever way you go, its worth checking your facts before forwarding a claim. You can help stop false or even dangerous claims. It may even save you from identity theft.
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