
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Google Search

There are a number of ways to make Google more accurate, some of which are quite easy.  Here are a few examples follow:

Search:  Tiger Woods
Means:  Find Web pages with both of the words 'Tiger' and 'Woods'.  This is the most common way to use Google.

Search:  "Tiger Woods"
Means:  Find pages with these exact words in this exact order.  Good for exact phrases, e.g. finding quotes, verifying a scam, and plagiarism checks.

Search:  Tiger Woods -forest
Means:  Find pages with both of the words 'Tiger' and 'Woods', in any order, that do not include the word 'forest'.  Good for countering the effect of words with two meanings, such as "woods" in this example.

Search:  Tiger Woods
Means:  Find pages with both of the words 'Tiger' and 'Woods', in any order, that are on the system.  Good for web sites without a search function.

These techniques can be mixed. For example:

Search:  "Tiger Woods" golf -forest
Means:  Find pages with the exact phrase "Tiger Woods", and the word golf, without the word forest, and only on the site.

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