Many web pages are full of distracting advertisements, animations, buttons, and "If you liked this..." links. These can often get in the way of the real reason that you went there: To read something.
To handle this, install "Read Mode" on Chrome or chromebooks. It can take a cluttered
website and strip away the distractions, noisy ads, and
other "busy" items that tug at your attention. In other words, this:
Before using Read Mode |
...becomes this:
Read Mode leaves only the useful part |
To install it, go to the Chrome Web Store (at and search for "Read Mode".
Once installed, there will be a small eye glasses icon at the top-right whenever Read Mode thinks it can remove distractions. Click that and it will perform its magic.
Click the "eye glasses" to activate Read Mode |
Bonus tip: Using Read Mode before print a web page can make the printout much cleaner and save ink!